Friday, September 4, 2009

I wonder as I wander, out under the sky.

Some days I feel like a pinball ball. I'm rolling slowly downhill, and then ping! I get shot towards something. It's exciting. I'm excited. I got an email back from the firm in Switzerland a couple weeks back. The email came from the Principal at the firm. I liked the speed. And then it slowed. No new news from the dude from Switzerland. In fact, he said they'd make a decision by the end of August. It's September 4th. I am rolling pretty slowly now. I've fallen into one of those holes that holds you motionless for a second. You know you'll pop out, you're just not sure when so you're ready. Don't be impatient, I remind myself. So I sit anticipating the pop.

I went back to my "Progress Table" today - a table in which I record all the places I've applied to, people I've spoken to and the follow-up I need to do. I revisited jobs I'd applied for, searched Avue, the government website and spent two hours answering the typical questions that don't really define who you are or how you'd be an asset to the company or right for the job - rather questions confined to boxes that you must check or leave blank, a binary system that makes you eligible or not. Apparently there are landscape architecture positions available in the United States ("locations nationwide") with no closing date and oxymoronic general specifics. Anyone interested?

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