Newly graduated landscape architect. Happy the recession is pulling the wool out of the sprawl happy development business in the West... sad that it means that there are no jobs for those of us chomping at the bit to get out there in the design world. A wander through this new "landscape architecture climate" where hopefully people are refocusing on what REALLY matters when it comes to integrating people into their environments. Please chime in!
Date | July 29, 2011 |
Word/Phrase of the Day | Beard West Falea |
Start location | |
End location | |
Laid my head | Tim’s newly free ‘guest bedroom’ |
Miles cycled | <5 |
Miles on other transport | 0 |
Flats/Problems | 0 |
Bike Mates (miles) | - |
$ food | 20 |
$ coffee (#) | 0 (1) |
$ beer | 8 (1) |
$ gear | - |
$ lodging | 0 |
Beards (per mile: Tim’s new suggestion for a way to measure ‘hipsterness’) | |
Firm visited | 1 – HB Lanarc |
Advise for job seekers | Check back in. You contact us. Keep in touch. – Janine de la Salle |
Take home lesson | Is there an IPhone ap for this? An automated ‘just checking in’ service? |
Highlight | Biking to SE False Creek Olympic Village |
Rain? | Nope |
HB Lanarc’s offices sit on top of
"Golder's offices are in a business park on the outside of town", a woman said. Read: "We are NOT them". At least not in brand or feel. There are both advantages to having a strong “parent company” and disadvantages. The advantages are that they may be able to head in directions that they never had thought of before. As it was pitched to me, “if you can think of it (and if it makes good business sense), they will let you do it”. No need to convince small clients and mitigate small budgets. The size of the organization means that some failure in speculative activities is factored in. It’s why Walmart and REI can have fantastic return policies and small stores can not. They can shoulder the loss when a person returns a grill or a backpack after giving it a good “try” with the reasoning that “it just wasn’t for me” and happy retail agents will smile, refund the money and then toss it in the trash. If this analogy is confusing or sad, just imagine that your project is that tattered backpack. And in the small firms, often when it fails, you get thrown out with the backpack. It's not as cut-throat as that but small businesses feel the bumps of failure more acutely. The advantage of working for Golder or AECOM is having bosses like the retail agents in blue and green vests with smile pins.
I met with Janine de la Salle at HB Lanarc (…”now part of the Golder family”), a woman who studied international development, got into foodie issues while researching Havana and voila, was sheparded by Mark Holland (the H in HB Lanarc) into food system planning. Mark left HB Lanarc recently and Janine now seemingly has great opportunity for exciting responsibility and big shoes to fill. However, it seems that she’d like some help filling those shoes and we talked extensively about how the provinces, the city and private firms engage in food system planning and design in this region as well as throughout the world. We interestingly talked about how west coast planners often say that it is impossible (or at least difficult) to compare
Once again I am in the hopper. People seem ready to hire, interested in my potential, but non-committal. And so I left Janine with my portfolio and CV and hope that she keeps me in mind. She said to let her know what comes out of my west coast trip. The problem is that if the trip is successful, I’ll be working elsewhere.
Date | July 29, 2011 |
Word/Phrase of the Day | ‘you brought summer with you’ |
Start location | |
End location | |
Laid my head | Tim’s newly free ‘guest bedroom’ |
Miles cycled | <5 |
Miles on other transport | 142 |
Flats/Problems | 0 |
Bike Mates (miles) | - |
$ food | 8 |
$ coffee (#) | 0 (1) |
$ beer (#) | 0 (3) |
$ gear | - |
$ lodging | 0 |
Firm visited | - |
Advise for job seekers | - |
Take home lesson | - |
Highlight | Sunset beers at the Whip |
Rain? | Nope |
I made it to
I decided not to pack my panniers just yet and arrived at the
My meeting with Janine ended up being cancelled and rescheduled for the next day, a morning meeting over coffee. Dripping with sweat, bike grease from my chain all over my hands and right calf, this was a relief. And all I wanted was a beer.
I met Edward at the Whip Bar. Edward went to UVA, as I did. We didn’t know each other there, however. I met him while looking at UBC. He was in the last death throws of his MLA thesis, an urban agriculturally focused project that DPZ was involved in, in farmland near a bedroom community to
Also, I was notified of my “ineligibility” for the billionth time for a Federal Job. I really need to learn my lesson. The federal government has no intention of hiring me. I have no clue why but you win
Two days ago, as we were flying past
Cafe Verite (again), Ballard, Seattle
2 cups of drip coffee
"I've got an answer. I've got to fly away. What have I got to lose" - Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young
Air mattress
Bike miles: 0
Car miles: 0
Train/bus miles: 0
Day one.
I am starting my northwest bike job adventure at a coffee shop. Verite Cupcake Shop in Ballard in
I’ve decided I need some litmus, some way to measure this trip.
It seems worth it, however, to try to look past the superficial statistics like the ratio of locally owned coffee shops to Starbucks in a radius around an intersection, the number of micro-brew beers on tap per capita, the variations of definition of “northwest hippy” given to me (not because I asked but willingly offered up by numerous “indigenous” Northwesterners when trying to describe their homeland). I should stick to quantifiable, empirical data like my carbon footprint, the number of firms I visit or the number of miles traveled on a pie chart sorted by mode of transportation. Yet when all these factors are listed, it seems like none of the information is really irrelevant. Since I am looking for the entire package, every bit of this information is critical. In fact, it’s like a landscape analysis, charting drainage patterns, eco-tones and transit stops to determine “quality of life”. And the recipes can be quite different. Would I take a job in
If coffee shop radii is just as important as 401k, here is what I’ve come up with:
Friends visited
Coffee shop camped in for computer sessions (name, music played, coffee consumed)
Miles by bike/bus/train/car
Head laid in/on couch/tent/floor/bed
Firm meetings
- 3 adjectives used to describe the ‘state of the profession’ (by interviewer)
- 3 adjectives used to describe the work they are doing currently (by interviewer)
Firms that ignored me
Flat tires
Bike mates
I’d love suggestions for this list. Critique away!
"Just can't wait to get on the road again
The life I love is making music with my friends
And I can't wait to get on the road again"
After a bit of a hiatus as a nomad (‘nomad’ defined as someone who moves around frequently, and by ‘frequently’, I mean spending less than a month in each location) I am back at it. I had a Fulbright for ten months and a six month contract in
What business am I in, remind me? Landscape architect. Planner. Urban Designer. Throw in manger, writer, editor, translator, babysitter, dry wall specialist.
But I’m getting a bit fed up. It’s a general feeling of frustration that stems from this jump I took into a field with both feet, feeling passionate and creative about it throughout school, and now empathetic to the employers (we are all in the same boat). Yet I'm curious how we can use our creativity to try to deal with our collective professional sluggishness. My cohort, an imaginative bunch, have splintered into every direction. They are starting their own businesses, working at bike shops, paying their dues as CAD bunnies, doing wedding floral design and essentially doing what they can do to keep an inspired foot in some sort of door, hold their head above water and wait out the storm (to sling a few metaphors around).
So I’ve decided to bike. I always found myself most creative when I was moving, getting my heart beating. Those 4pm runs through Sam Hughes neighborhood in grad school, when my creative juices had been squeezed out of me, got me going again. Well, I feel a bit dry right now. Biking, then, seems like a very normal reaction to my unemployment situation. I have no income. I can’t pay for buses or trains or planes. So I will bike from
I start next Saturday. Holy smokes. Next Saturday. This prompted a trip to REI last night to figure out how one actually does bike a couple hundred miles. It seems simple enough of an endeavor. I’ve biked long distances before. Once. In Peace Corps my friends Lindy, Drew and I decided we were going to bike from Dori, Burkina Faso to Niamey, Niger (about 300 km) over four days. It took us six. Despite running out of water, losing the road to sand, patching over 20 flat tires, following donkey paths and camels, we survived. A simple paved road down the northwest coast shouldn’t be all that hard, it seems.
Oh, no. It is. Worth it, but not easy. Not in the mind of a) major retailers or b) dedicated bike touring folks. I engaged a dedicated bike touring REI salesman yesterday evening. And really, it was very helpful although I have to edit out pieces he considers ‘essential’. Did you know an indispensable piece of equipment for bike touring is a mirror that clips onto your sunglasses so you never have to turn your head? I am sure I will now get struck to the ground by a driver who I can not see but it seems extraneous (and, well, nerdy). But what do I know? I haven’t marked it off my “kit of parts” just yet. But I did buy padded underpants (which also look silly but deemed necessary), a pair of socks, and the rest I will buy when I get there. I have a plan. The plan is not to have a plan.
This “plan” also holds true for my attempt to get a job. I made a hip concert poster style “advertisement” for this bike trip. I sent out multiple cover letters and emails of inquiry. I got back a couple of “sure, common’s but we have no work for you” and many instances of simply being ignored, but I am still doing this. The extent of my plan is to find a community biking organization in
And between those awkward meetings, spend a great deal of time getting to see the southwestern tip of Canada and the northwest coast of the US by bike, visit with friends, enjoy myself and hopefully stay invigorated for another round of job searching (and soul searching) in the “worst economy since the Great Depression”. So now I’ve said it once, and I promise never to say it again or only to elude to it. This is only partly about jobs and the economy – I will leave the majority of the commentary on that to the New York Times. It’s about:
And my hosts: Tim, Edward, Brita, Katie,
“Like a band of gypsies we go down the highway
Insisting that the world keep turning our way and our way”